
#5 - Committed to helping our customers succeed in their sustainable transitions

Develop a specific range of offers, called "Green & Social


For more than 150 years, Apave has acted as a "trusted third party", accompanying the great revolutions that have fuelled history by helping them to come to fruition in complete safety. Today, the challenges are accelerating: the ecological, energy, climate and digital transitions we are undergoing are generating new risks that need to be identified, prevented and controlled. That's what our Green&Social range of services is all about. More than ever, Apave has reinforced and strengthened its expertise and know-how in specific areas such as the environment, safety at work, climate and decarbonisation, as well as in specific areas of expertise such as sustainability /CSRD reporting.

We offer our customers solutions that help them increase their positive impact and measure their progress in sustainable transitions: 

  • Environmental transitions (Contaminated Sites and Soils Diagnostics, Biodiversity Diagnostics, etc.)
  • Energy and Climate Transitions (Energy Saving Plans, Energy Audits, Carbon Audits, Decarbonization Strategies, etc.)
  • Social transitions (RPS assessment/prevention, QVCT approaches, etc.)
  • Digital transitions (Resilience to digital risk, cybersecurity, etc.)

Dedicated, expert organizations are set up to meet the growing demands of our customers.

"Without trust and security, there can be no sustainable, successful transitions! "

Our business,

is to help our customers achieve successful sustainable transitions.


Committing to social, societal, environmental, energy and digital transitions requires technical and human expertise in sustainability.

As a leading player in risk management, Apave has developed a range of Green&Social solutions to ensure that sustainable development and safety are an integral part of its customers' business plans and day-to-day operations.


Apave's experts work alongside technical, operational and management teams to put CSR at the heart of their projects and day-to-day operations, through concrete diagnostic, training, support, verification and assessment actions.


a player in environmental transitions

Apave supports its customers in their environmental transition. The Apave Group develops solutions that enable its customers to manage environmental risks and contribute to the development of more resilient production and consumption models that respect ecosystems. Reducing the risk of pollution, reducing the carbon footprint of activities, preserving biodiversity... these are just some of the missions carried out by Apave experts on a daily basis.

Biodiversity commitment

Decathlon - Apave Certification

It's a very concrete demonstration of our sustainable development strategy for real estate, visible to our customers and very much in line with our outdoor playground, which is our planet [...] We carried out this first test in Saint-Malo and we currently have around twenty shops undergoing work or being studied that we are going to label.



Technical Director of Decathlon Immobilier


a player in energy transition

The Apave Group, in France and around the world, is committed to working alongside its customers to meet the challenges of the necessary energy transition by guaranteeing the highest level of safety for their employees and customers. Without trust and safety, there can be no successful, sustainable energy transition!

Electric mobility in Europe

Volvo - Apave Formation

Safety is part of Volvo's DNA, so naturally we wanted to entrust the safety of our technicians to experts, hence the choice of the Apave Group.



Head of skills development Volvo Car France


a player in social transitions

Through its business lines, the Apave Group is committed to providing solutions that help protect companies and their employees from new risks, and to developing human capital by promoting employability through tailored training programmes.

As a player in the local economic fabric, Apave is committed to serving all its customers, whatever their size, business sector or geographical distance.

Partnership with Apave, Engie Solutions, Pôle Emploi IDF

Training in Air Conditioning, Ventilation and Heating (HVAC)

Dry cleaner, childminder, bakery sales assistant, cashier in a furniture and decoration chain... If I've learnt anything from my various professional experiences, it's that I enjoy contact with customers. But routine, repetitive jobs?
not for me! I found out about the Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Maintenance Technician course when I was doing a skills assessment, and I have to say that I wasn't disappointed by the diversity of the assignments, which call on a wide range of skills and even a knowledge of mathematics. If I had a message to pass on to women looking for work, I'd tell them to dare to take the plunge. I'm living proof that it's possible to succeed and that age isn't an obstacle - quite the contrary!


Cécile DUPOND, 52 years old- promotion 2022


a player in digital transitions

The Apave Group is strengthening its position as a trusted third party by extending its expertise, previously based on the management of technical, human and environmental risks, to include support for its customers in managing digital risks.

Cybersecurity diagnosis

First of all, the diagnostic enabled us to reassure ourselves about the processes in place and our level of cyber protection in general. The security of IBOO was demonstrated, with no critical flaws identified. The suggestion of additional actions that could be deployed to support our strong growth as part of a medium-term strategy was also very welcome. Today, the Apave Group's expertise in support, consultancy and workplace safety is well established.
When a group like yours positions itself to manage digital risks and surrounds itself with experts in cyber security, we're in good hands.



Founder and CEO of IBOO