Our objectives

Implement a genuine measurement and management system to realistically reduce the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions footprint of our activities.
We aim to be exemplary in terms of transparency in the accounting of its GHG emissions, and launch its 2023-2025 decarbonization plan on 4 main action levers: mobility, real estate, purchasing and energy. These action plans will enable us to take initial stock of our carbon footprint reduction trajectory and update it.
-5% de réduction de consommation d’électricité en Kwh / K€ de CA
-10% d’émission de GES (scope 1 + 2) vs 2022 (année de référence où un bilan carbone sous GHG Protocol a été réalisé)
Our priorities
- Measuring our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in an exemplary and transparent way
- Creating the conditions for success to accelerate the decarbonization of our activities over the medium and long term
- Creating the conditions for success to accelerate the decarbonization of our activities over the medium and long term
"Without trust and security, there can be no sustainable, successful transitions! "
In concrete terms at Apave
Our decarbonization objectives are both ambitious and realistic. Our decarbonization efforts are based on four major levers: mobility, real estate, purchasing and energy. An action plan has been defined for each of these four levers:
- mobility, accelerating the electrification of the vehicle fleet
- purchasing, implementation of a responsible purchasing policy, l
- real estate, with the continuation of the real estate master plan aimed at modernizing our workspaces and reducing energy consumption (RE2020 in France),
- energy, with the continuation of the Group's energy efficiency plan
Greenhouse gas (GHG) assessment

Apave entities have been carrying out GHG assessments of their activities for several years.
The Group's GHG balance sheet complies with the GHG Protocol, and has undergone significant methodological amendments to improve its exhaustiveness.