Men on a site construction

Our skills

Technical and managerial expertise, knowledge of the field, listening to customers. With Apave consultants, you get two results: risk control and performance of your company.


From risk reduction to cost reduction.


First of all, we satisfy a vital need: the safety of your employees, products and services, and the safety of your facilities. But beyond the vital need for safety, Apave helps you to reflect on all your practices. Then to improve them for continuous cost reduction, at all levels of the organization. For example, to improve your productivity, make product/process combinations more reliable, reduce product design times, streamline logistics and flows, improve customer satisfaction, and optimize the overall performance of your production facilities...

Our human risk skills

In terms of health and safety at work and compliance of work equipment, our Apave Monaco teams guarantee recommendations and regulatory audits based on our core business: risk control.


  • Worker safety on construction sites, incident analysis and CSPS
  • Preservation of employee health in the workplace (ergonomics, health and safety training, Covid referral, prevention of health risks, etc.)
  • Disabled access
  • Comfort at work (air conditioning, heating)
  • Personal safety (scaffolding, anchoring points, lifting, lifts/lifts/EMPMR, equipment and machines, doors and gates, etc.)

Our expertise in construction risks

construction site
construction site

Investors, public and private project owners, managers, developers, operators, we are at your side throughout the life cycle of your buildings (residential, tertiary, industrial, public hospital buildings, etc.).


  • Safety for the owner
  • Stability of structures (maritime, buildings, temporary structures), with our geotechnical and earthquake experts
  • Lightning
  • Conformity of installations throughout the worksite
  • Commissioning
  • Performance of buildings and equipment (air permeability, etc.)
  • Acoustics of structures and building sites

Our expertise in operational risks

We support you throughout the life cycle of your works to place safety at the heart of your project, by providing a response adapted to your context, whether for existing infrastructures or new projects, to maintain the compliance of your infrastructure with the standards in force.


  • Fire safety (emergency equipment, automatic gas extinguishing, sprinklers, mechanical smoke extraction, heat load, RIA, columns, posts)
  • SSI coordination
  • Management of special fluids (medical fluids and combustible gases)
  • Compliance of installations
  • Low and high voltage electricity with network analysis, infrared thermography, ultrasound measurements, IRVE

Our skills in sustainable development

Exotic Garden in Monaco
Exotic Garden in Monaco

Today, it is not only a question of building more but of building sustainably to preserve the environment. Overall, priority is given to energy performance, natural resource management and reducing the carbon footprint in construction.


  • Energy audits
  • Renewable energy and energy performance consulting
  • Regulatory thermal studies
  • Sustainable building studies (BD2M, HQE, BREEAM, etc.)
  • Low-nuisance construction sites

Our environmental skills


From the feasibility study phase to the demolition phase, we offer proven technical solutions and put technology to work for you, through our missions.


  • Dynamic thermal simulation (DTS)
  • Daylighting simulation (DLS)
  • LCA
  • The reliability of digital modelling in your construction projects
  • Technological innovations to make projects more reliable and monitor them


Thanks to our skills, at all stages of construction and infrastructure management, you can guarantee the best level of reliability and sustainability, thanks in particular to our predictive models and digital modelling (BIM) and through more environmentally friendly systems.


choose Apave?

figure 1


Independent third-party organisation for an even safer industry. Apave's experts can advise you and provide you with personalized solutions tailored to your needs. A recognized player in risk management for 150 years, Apave supports its customers in a shared progress approach, for a safer and more sustainable world.
figure 2


The competence of our field teams. Mastery of technical and environmental regulations. With our experience, we work on a daily basis on the developments related to the operation of your activities, so that you can maintain the highest level of safety for your equipment and your organisations.
figure 3


Providing a response aimed at industrial performance and process digitalisation. For each of your projects, a local multidisciplinary team, capable of efficiently considering all the impacts linked to risk management, is at your service. Our satisfaction is to provide you with a high level of technical expertise by guaranteeing you the best project management while considering the context, your objectives and all your constraints.

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